A record breaking London Winter Walk!

Picture of Nicola Smith
Nicola Smith

Event Director

Over the weekend of the 27th & 28th January 2024 we saw over 4,000 challengers taking on a Marathon, Half Marathon or 10km distance across the capital’s streets – we are extremely proud to report that the challenge has so far raised over £300,000 for our Charity Partners, that’s an increase of over 50% on our 2023 challenge.

A massive congratulations to everyone who took part – and completed their challenge with a great sense of fun, adventure & giving!

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New Training Walk Date!

One of the best ways to prepare for your Ultra Challenge is to join one of our organised training walks. Get the ‘feel’ for the challenge ahead – and build up that base level of fitness and meet some follow Challengers.

Whether you’re taking on your first 25 km or going for the full 100 km – there is a training walk for you!

NEW: 50km route – London Summer Walk – 20% OFF launch discount!

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